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Over the years I have observed people work through the psychedelic experience from the first realisations/desperations or “calls” to the medicine through to the integration and into what some call a thriving stage. I began to notice how much our community thrived from the shared stories and insights with each other, sometimes in a community of strangers, yet finding connections they were unable to find elsewhere.

As Dr Rosalind Watts, a researcher in psychedelic therapy, insightfully stated,

“The real magic of psychedelics often happens in the integration phase, and this is where community plays a vital role in turning profound experiences into lasting change.”

It’s true, the act of integrating sacred moments into the present moments, watching others step into themselves, watching insights land, and seeing people in a world of chaos later soothed by simple strategies they no longer struggle to do, is a magical thing.

And that is why I am here, it is for those moments, those little shared moments of relief, of knowing, of tingles, of connection.
— Quote Source